chal vichal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But alongside these unstable linkages, tumultuous, even paranoid, and operate the established couples who lead a perfectly bourgeois existence, that is to say respectful consecrated values 2. But such an approach appeared all the more difficult to achieve as the political situation became unstable and precarious governments 3. Due to their large surface area, the colloids are thermodynamically unstable (Gibbs laws), and the principle of minimizing the surface energy should transform these colloids into two immiscible phases 4. Escaping any central authority, the land could be sold or shared, creating a loose collection unstable 5. Gerhard Lenski example speaks of "status crystallization", but this phenomenon is complex, the concretion of the crystal is delicate, and the crystal itself is fragile, unstable and brittle

Given are the examples of hindi word chal vichal usage in english sentences. The examples of chal vichal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., unstable.

The new elements with very high atomic numbers are so unstable that only minute quantities, sometimes only a few atoms of them are obtained.

Large positive electron gain enthalpies because the electron has to enter the next higher principal quantum level leading to a very unstable electronic configureuration.
Ozone is thermodynamically unstable and decomposes to molecular oxygen.
It still remains an unstable and uncertain achievement.
From the view point of geology, Himalayan mountains form an unstable zone.
The presence of weaker ?-bond makes alkenes unstable molecules in comparison to alkanes and thus, alkenes can be changed into single bond compounds by combining with the electrophilic reagents.
The early settlers sought some order and assurance in the unstable conditions of the new settlements.
When people make attributions for success and failure, the causes they give can be classified into internal or external factors, and also into stable or unstable factors.
Bernard Wiener suggested a classification which is shown in Figureure Stable factors refer to those causes that do not change with time, while unstable factors are those that do change.
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